Hello, and thanks for visiting! A couple of months ago a good friend nominated me in one of those Facebook challenges you may have seen doing the rounds - 7 black and white photos over 7 days from your ordinary life, excluding people and pets, posted without explanation. I accepted the challenge, and enjoyed the process so much that I was soon wondering how I could extend it. This blog is my answer. The photos won't always be in black and white - I've long understood how important colour is to me - but I plan to adhere to the other rules of the challenge for a full 365 days and, in doing so, tell the story of the next year in my life. Knowing how I struggle with discipline, especially self-discipline, I imagine this process will throw up quite a few challenges for me but hopefully that will all be part of the growing and learning process. There will be little or no explanation posted, though I'll be happy to chat in the comments, and I hope you find something here to enjoy.

Tuesday 1 May 2018

Storm Clouds Gathering?


  1. oooO! A lovely view..can't beat a lovely shoreline/beach..especially to~day, and, as l look through the Paddington Bear curtains, it's wet and windy, though the lovely Carol on BBC Breakfast says it's gonna get brighter later, think l'll send her some puddy~tat pics, as she has a cat called Donald, and she always replies, saying thankyou! She's lovely! 'Willie, settle down now'. HeHe! Bless! :0).

  2. This was the sky making it's way towards us as we started our last property of the day ..... somewhat ominous, especially as the wind was increasing to Gale force at the same time! It was also the feeling that came with the property, as several problems we had reported to managing agents and were told had been fixed clearly hadn't been - leaving some very unhappy residents and a definite sense of trouble brewing.
