Hello, and thanks for visiting! A couple of months ago a good friend nominated me in one of those Facebook challenges you may have seen doing the rounds - 7 black and white photos over 7 days from your ordinary life, excluding people and pets, posted without explanation. I accepted the challenge, and enjoyed the process so much that I was soon wondering how I could extend it. This blog is my answer. The photos won't always be in black and white - I've long understood how important colour is to me - but I plan to adhere to the other rules of the challenge for a full 365 days and, in doing so, tell the story of the next year in my life. Knowing how I struggle with discipline, especially self-discipline, I imagine this process will throw up quite a few challenges for me but hopefully that will all be part of the growing and learning process. There will be little or no explanation posted, though I'll be happy to chat in the comments, and I hope you find something here to enjoy.

Tuesday 27 March 2018

Deadhead Deadline


  1. Everything is peeping through now! Buds are starting to appear on my Virginia Creeper, back and front, always look forward to that! Amazing when fully grown, then the colours in Autumn, takes a lot of looking after to, but well worth it..! :).
    It's an old friend to, this Sunday..the first..l've been living here for 40yrs..so it started as a two foot cutting from then! Even her name is Virginia..! :0).

    1. How lovely! We also have a Virginia creeper growing up the front of our house. Ours is a youngster compared to yours - about 20 years old if memory serves - but it needs controlling every year and when we forget, or we're late, it's a case of hauling it out of the guttering and off the roof! Wouldn't trade it though - lovely in summer and, as you say, what a sight in the autumn!

      Yesterday though it was hydrangeas on our minds - particularly at the last property of the day where this photo shows just a fraction of the main hydrangea border. Usually they'd all have been done by now, but the the two bouts of late snow we had have really held us back, both in playing hell with the schedule and in making us cautious about cutting too much too soon. Still it reaches a point where it has to be done regardless and going into April with the deadheads still on would have been "unacceptable". So the whole day was worked around getting enough time at this last property to do ALL the hydrangeas! The task fell mainly to Gary and Beck as I was still mowing the big lawn (in the rain, for my sins!), but I finished in time to lend a hand and we all heaved a sigh of relief as the last one was done. Another deadline met, by hook or by crook - have a feeling that's how it's going to go this year!
